As promised

There are so many topics I could start to discuss that it may be difficult to pick where. If we list them by the degree of agitation it causes the list would never end,So here is a few to start with
1.Rioters claiming to be protesters 2. Looters. 3. statute destroyers 4.criminals being given free passes. 5 Democrats 6. those who want to defund ther police,but have private protection.7 Those who go after anyone who tries to protect themselves 7.antifa- that the media gives a pass to!!!8 Hell— the lying dishonest mainstream media!!!!18. news stations that tell lies /or half truths 9.teachers/professors who have a socialist/snti-american agenda. 10. finally the fn anti-semites that are springing up around the country.

This list is by no means exhausted;it is but a smattering of what we can talk about.— It is my start. What I want all of you to do is to truly take time to examine who the loudest and most violent individuals are. Really listen to the filth they spew and to whom they are really after. People who have an agenda to destroy this wonderful great country will attack me for writing these words. They will distort obfuscate what I say and my meaning. I am fortunate to be born and live in the freesest(if a word??) country ever with the exception of one other—- you should know what country I am talking about.

As I said this morning,I am just getting started— next post in several days.
My favorite sign off as Jimmy Durante said
“good night Mrs Kalabash wherever you are”


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